Kamis, 26 April 2018


Instruction for 20172 mid-term exam!
  1. Blog must have a prologue about Indonesia
  2. Blog must have a pictorial (from video screen shoot) and full description page about interesting place according to home town of student
  3. Blog must have a pictorial (from video screen shoot) and full description page about interesting culture according to home town of student
  4. All description at this work must be written by yourself (not a plagiarism) in English and Indonesian. If a plagiarism it will not being scored.
  5. Don't forget to added your video link site at the end of yout blog. 
  6. This all entire items must be completed before Monday, May 7Th 2018, 18.00 at local time. If an entry subscribe after Monday, May 7Th 2018, it will not being scored.
All student also must entry your personal blog site addres at Comment form blog, subject: MID TERM EXAM 20172 FSH-UBD that placed at this comment places.

Format filling comment section on this post is as follows:

Nama: ..........
NIM : ...........
Alamat Blog : http://............................